Strategy and Development

Don’t invest in technology that doesn’t fit your needs. Our team has the skills and expertise
to help you find a tailored solution.

When you purchase a ‘one size fits all’ technology solution, you will most likely pay for
features and operational aspects you may not need or even know what to do with. With
Logistics Studio we can help you build a technology roadmap that will get you exactly
where your business needs to go. With a collective 75+ years in logistics technology we
understand the business challenges of the supply chain and we can offer cost-effective
strategy and solutions to meet your unique needs.

Logistics Solutions Delivered

When embarking on a software development project, listening is always the best first step.
We take the time to truly understand your needs, they are just as important as any other
tech development concern, from security to scalability.

But you won’t be starting from scratch either. Our experienced teams have worked on
technology projects with some of the most recognizable names in the industry. We start
each project from a place of advanced understanding and we can draw on our successful
solutions to quickly get to work.

Our Process: A Simple Approach To Complex Problems

Logistics Studio works with transportation & logistics businesses to assess their current technical state. Identify any current or
foreseeable issues and work with your existing technology team to come up with innovative and lasting solutions. Our aim is to
align business goals with technology solutions.

Starting from our first discovery sprint we will take a deep dive to truly ...Read More
You'll be paired with dedicated software design and devel...Read More
We employ agile iterative development methodologies, emp...Read More
Logistics Studio's passion for transportation and logistics ...
Read More


Carrier Relationship Management​

Identify and engage your top-performing carriers. Minimize on boarding delays and double down on working with your top carriers for every load you move.

Digital Freight Matching

Optimize and accelerate
the connection of freight
with qualified carriers. Digital
freight matching makes
loads easier to find and more
accessible for a wider range
drivers and helps shippers
and brokers operate more

Dynamic Rating Engine

With data aggregated from
multiple sources into a single
solution, real-time rates
are available within a TMS
enabling carrier sales teams
to calculate freight rate faster and  with greater accuracy.

Custom Product Development

Complex business processes
often call for custom technology solutions. Logistics Studio dedicated teams are rooted in Agile development practices tempered with a unique understanding of the
transportation and logistics
industry. We’ll quickly identify
the problems you’re facing
and work collaboratively
towards solutions.

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